Science InvestigationTeam
Turnbull SIT 2015-2021
Margaret Turnbull
SETI Institute
Avi Mandell
Deputy (2018 -)
Aki Roberge
Deputy (2015 -2018)
Simulations Leads
Neil Zimmerman
HLC and ExoScene Simulations
Sergi Hildebrandt
JPL / Caltech
Star shade simulations
Data Challenge Support
Julien Girard
Data Challenge Coordinator
Liaison to the Science Operations Center (STScI)
Ell Bogat
NASA GSFC (now U Maryland)
In-house analysis
& Challenge metrics
Christopher Stark
NASA GSFC (form. at STScI)
Exozodiacal disk simulations
Junellie González- Quiles
Exozodiacal disk simulations
& In-house analysis
Zhexing Li
UC Riverside
Radial velocity simulations
Arthur Vigan
Legacy Tutorial feedback
Theme Leads
Misty Cracraft
Target background sources
Stephen Kane
UC Riverside
Radial Velocity Precursor Observations
Prabal Saxena
Atmospheric retrieval
Aronne Merrelli
U Wisconsin
Exoplanet Climate Modeling (Starshade Accommodation)
Additional Team Members
Feng He
U Wisconsin
Exoplanet Climate Modeling (Starshade)
Tristan L’Ecuyer
U Wisconsin
Exoplanet Climate Modeling (Starshade)
William Sparks
SETI Institute
Target Background Sources
Liaison to the Science Support Center (IPAC)
Tiffany Meshkat
IPAC / Caltech (now at Crisis Text Line)
Patrick Lowrance
IPAC / Caltech
Recent Publications & Reports
Turnbull et al. 2021: “Community exoplanet imaging data challenge for Roman CGI and starshade rendezvous” (JATIS, Volume 7, id. 021218, arXiv:2105.14140)
Hildebrandt et al. 2021: “Starshade Imaging Simulation Toolkit for Exoplanet Reconnaissance” (JATIS, Volume 7, id. 021217)
Li et al. 2021: “Direct Imaging of Exoplanets beyond the Radial Velocity Limit: Application to the HD 134987 System” (The Astronomical Journal, Volume 162, Issue 1, id.9, arXiv:2104.13531)
Saxena et al. 2021: "Simulating Reflected Light Exoplanet Spectra of the Promising Direct Imaging Target, υ Andromedae d, with a New, Fast Sampling Method Using the Planetary Spectrum Generator" (AJ, arXiv)
Girard et al. 2020: “The Roman exoplanet imaging data challenge: a major community engagement effort” (Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 11443)
In preparation for AAS refereed Journals
Zimmerman et al: “A Community Exoplanet Imaging Data Challenge: I. Design and Simulations”
Girard et al.: “The Roman Exoplanet Imaging Data Challenge: II. Implementation, Results and Lessons Learned”
Final report for the SIT
Cracraft et al. 2021: "Characterizing the Galactic and Extragalactic Background Near Exoplanet Direct Imaging Targets" (arXiv)
Presentations at workshop and conferences
M. Rizzo, N. Zimmerman, A. Roberge, et al., Realistic Simulations of Coronagraphic Observations with WFIRST, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #231, 2018.
W. C. Fanning, N. Zimmerman, M. McElwain, G. Grell, “Exoplanet detection synergies between Gaia and the WFIRST Coronagraph”, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #231, 2018.
N. Zimmerman, Exoplanet detection synergy between Gaia and the WFIRST Coronagraph, Science with Precision Astrometry Workshop, 2018.
A. Mandell, M. Turnbull, N. Zimmerman, et al., The WFIRST Coronograph Exoplanet Data Challenge, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #233, 2019.
J. Gonzalez-Quiles, WFIRST Coronagraph Exoplanet Scene Simulations, In the Spirit of Lyot 2019, P1-27, 2019.
J. H. Girard, J. Gonzalez-Quiles, S. Hildebrandt, et al., The 2019 WFIRST Exoplanet Imaging Data Challenge, In the Spirit of Lyot 2019, P1-09, 2019.
J. Gonzalez-Quiles, N. Zimmerman, M. Turnbull, et al., WFIRST Coronagraph Exoplanet Scene Simulations, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #235, 2020.
E. Bogat, N. Zimmerman, J. Girard, et al., A Public Data Challenge for Exoplanet Science with the Roman Space Telescope Coronagraph Instrument, Habitable Worlds 2021, id. 1153. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 53, No. 3, 2021.
J. Girard, Results from the Roman Exoplanet Imaging Data Challenge, STScI Spring Symposium 2021 "Towards the Comprehensive Characterization of Exoplanets”
Julien H. Girard, Ell Bogat, Junellie Gonzalez-Quiles, Sergi R. Hildebrandt et al., The Roman exoplanet imaging data challenge: a major community engagement effort, Proc. SPIE 11443, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020, Poster & Video,
J. Girard, J. Gonzalez-Quiles, Sergi Hilderbrandt, et al. The 2019-2020 ROMAN Exoplanet Imaging Data Challenge, Exoplanets III, Heidelberg July 27-31 2020 *(Virtual) Poster, Video
J. Girard, Roman Exoplanet Imaging Data Challenge. Roman Virtual Lecture Series, Jul 16 2020, video
J. Girard, The 2019 WFIRST Exoplanet Imaging Data Challenge
Science in Our Own Backyard: Exploring the Galaxy and the Local Group with WFIRST, Caltech, June 18-20, 2019
Public Sofware & Codes
Check the Links & Resources page
Developed by the SIT members
The Legacy Tutorial data and suite of jupyter notebooks (GiHub)
ExoScene (GitHub)
SISTER (Starshade)
The Roman Coronagraph Exposure Time Calculator (GitHub)
Used during the data challenge or developed by the participants
RadVel allows to simulate and/or analyze RV data